Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Major

This major is a program that prepares individuals to adapt and fit corrective eyewear, including eyeglasses and contact lenses, as prescribed by ophthalmologists or optometrists; to assist patients in selecting appropriate frames; and to prepare work orders for ophthalmic laboratory technicians.

Includes instruction in geometrical optics, ophthalmic optics, anatomy of the eye, optical instrumentation, use and maintenance of adjustment and cleaning tools, prescription interpretation, contact lens adaptation and fitting, prosthesis fitting, facial and eye measuring, pathology identification, record-keeping, and patient and business administrative tasks.

What can you do with a major/degree in Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Major?

As a Dispensing Optician, it is your job to design, measure, fit, and adapt lenses and frames for client according to written optical prescription or specification. Assist client with inserting, removing, and caring for contact lenses. Assist client with selecting frames. Measure customer for size of eyeglasses and coordinate frames with facial and eye measurements and optical prescription. Prepare work order for optical laboratory containing instructions for grinding and mounting lenses in frames. Verify exactness of finished lens spectacles. Adjust frame and lens position to fit client. May shape or reshape frames. Includes contact lens opticians.


Job opportunities for dispensing opticians are likely in the future as this career subsector is expected to see four percent (4%) growth 2019-2029.

Some dispensing opticians complete an apprenticeship, which typically takes at least two years. Other dispensing opticians complete a postsecondary education program at a community college or technical school.


Trade Associations and Professional Organizations in Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Major

Professional associations are groups of professionals dedicated to topics in specific fields. Professional associations provide a wealth of online resources, some of which are geared specifically towards students. These organizations typically also host conferences and events, providing great opportunities for learning and networking across your field of interest.


Publications/Magazines in Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Major